Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレット Eruza Sukāretto) is an S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail who is famous for her usage of Requip Magic. She is also a member of Team Natsu, as well as one of the main female protagonists of the series.[3]
Erza is a young woman who has long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She also has an artificial right eye made by Porlyusica, which replaced the one she lost as a child. She has a slender figure that Lucy
describes as amazing and, like most females in the series, she has
large breasts. Her most common attire consists of a custom-made armor by
Heart Kreuz
smiths, a blue skirt, and black boots. Her Fairy Tail stamp is blue and
located on the middle of her left upper arm. Erza's specialty in Requip Magic, allows her to requip not only armor, but different outfits as well, allowing her to change her attire at any given time.
Erza's way to apologize
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and
habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize,
fearing that they might invoke her wrath.[4]
She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her
questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood,
caused many of her guildmates to avoid her due to her social
awkwardness.[5] However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tail.[6]
According to Lucy in the letter she wrote for her mother Erza is
"cool and beautiful, warm and full of passion", while to Erza
Knightwalker she stated that Erza is strong, cool and a little scary but
relied on by everyone, even so she can be really girly and liked sweet
things and cute clothes.[7]
Jellal, when he had lost his memories, remembering nothing but the name
"Erza", said her name was "full of kindness, brightness and warmth".[8]
Erza describes herself as someone who was always crying, since
she wasn't able to protect those dear to her. Several examples are when Rob tried to shield her from destruction, and when Jellal was captured because he saved her and was brainwashed by "Zeref".[9] Also, Erza has stated that she feels uncomfortable and insecure when she's not wearing armor.[10] However, when Erza encounters Ikaruga, she overcomes her fear and defeats her without her armor.[9]
Despite her reserved personality and mostly dressing in her conservative Heart Kreuz
armor, Erza has shown to have very little modesty and an unusual view
on the concept in general. Many of her armors are skimpy, revealing and
feminine, and when out of armor she has an affinity for sexy and
revealing clothing.[11][12]
Finally, Erza seems to have no problem with men (or at least her male
guildmates) seeing her naked. She felt no discomfort stating her desire
to shower with Natsu and Gray or the fact that she used to shower with
them when they were younger.[13]
When they were at the hot spring, when she learned that the boys may
have been peeping on her and the other girls, she wanted to invite them
to bath with them, much to Wendy's shock and Lucy's strong objection.[14] Lucy has also stated that Erza has a habit of climbing into her bed in their shared room during the Grand Magic Games.[15]
Early in her childhood, Erza was enslaved by a Black Magic cult and forced to build the Tower of Heaven, a structure developed for the purpose of resurrecting the Dark Mage, Zeref.[16] She was imprisoned together with several other slaves, most of them were children. Among these children were Jellal Fernandes, Shô, Simon, Wally Buchanan, and Millianna.
While they were asking each other for their names, she said that her
name was just "Erza", so Jellal decided to give her the surname
"Scarlet" after her scarlet hair so they would never forget it.[17]
Despite the harsh conditions of her enslavement and labor, Erza became
close friends with the other children. She also formed a strong bond
with Rob, an elderly Mage from the Fairy Tail Guild, who taught her about Magic and his guild.[18][19] Erza uses her Magic for the first time.
One day in X776, Shô came up with a plan for the eleven-year-old Erza
and all their friends to escape from the tower. They were unfortunately
caught by the guards, who decided to send the escape's mastermind to
the tower's disciplinary chamber, while the rest would be deprived of
food for three days. Seeing how fearful Shô was, Erza prepared to take
the blame herself, but Jellal announced himself as the mastermind
instead. However, the guards reasoned that Erza was the one responsible
and sent her to the disciplinary chamber,[20]
where she was tortured to the brink of death and lost her right eye.
Jellal rescued her, but was captured soon after. Finally fed up with
their torment, Erza staged a revolt against their captors so they could
escape and save Jellal.[21]
The revolt appeared to be successful at its inception[22]
until the tower's Mages arrived to repress the slaves, causing most of
the other slaves to retreat. During the attack, Erza watched in horror
as her friend Simon's lower jaw was blasted off by a Magical attack,
while Rob sacrificed himself to defend Erza from another Mage's attack.
In her rage, Erza's latent Magical Power was activated for the first
time, and she used it to turn all of the discarded weapons and tools
around her against the guards, finishing the revolt.[23][24] Young Erza with the rest of Fairy Tail.
As the other slaves boarded ships meant to ensure their freedom, she
reunited with Jellal, but discovered that he had changed; the kind and
compassionate boy she knew him to be was suddenly twisted and violent,
using Magic to slaughter the defenseless guards around them. Jellal had
been possessed by what he claimed to be the spirit of Zeref, and decided
that the only way for them to attain true freedom was to complete the
Tower of Heaven and revive Zeref. Erza refused to help him, prompting
Jellal to cast her out of the tower by herself, only letting her live
because she helped take care of all the guards who would have opposed
him. Before letting her escape, Jellal told Erza to keep the Tower of
Heaven a secret from the government, as well as to never return to the
tower, threatening to destroy the tower and kill everyone in it,
including their friends, if she disobeyed.[25] Erza vs. Mirajane.
After washing up on the shores of Fiore, Erza made her way to and joined the Fairy Tail Guild.[19] She habitually began to wear armor and acted distant from the other members.[26] After Gray,
who tried picking fights with the reclusive Erza, saw her crying by
herself and questioned why, she began to open up to her guildmates more.[27] Around this time, Fairy Tail's master Makarov brought Erza to see Porlyusica,
who gave her an artificial eye to replace the one she lost. With her
eye healed Erza shed tears of joy, which only came out of her real, left
eye, though Erza didn't mind as she said she had already shed half of
her tears.[28] Erza remembers her S-Class Exam.
As the years passed, Erza became more and more strict until she could
be called the guild's disciplinarian. She took responsibility for
breaking up fights between Gray and Natsu. At the same time, however, she was driven to constantly fight and bicker with fellow member Mirajane, which eventually ended after Mirajane greatly mellowed out in the wake of her younger sister Lisanna's apparent death in X782. In the year X780, Erza passed Fairy Tail's annually held S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial, becoming the youngest member of the guild to do so at fifteen years of age.[29]
Lullaby arc
Erza arrives at Fairy Tail.
While returning home from a mission to slay a colossal horned monster
(bringing its horn, decorated and given to her by the locals, as a
souvenir), Erza stops at a pub where she overhears a group of Mages
discussing a sealed Magic called "Lullaby," with one of the members, Kageyama, claiming he will be able to break the seal. She doesn't give them much thought until she hears Kageyama mention Erigor, the "Death God" and ace of the Dark Guild, Eisenwald.
Too late to act against them in time, she decides to enlist Natsu and
Gray to help her fight Eisenwald and discover what the Lullaby is, as
well as what they intend to do with the spell.[30]
She returns to the guild with the intention of discussing the
matter with Makarov, only to learn that he is away at a meeting with the
other guild masters in the country. After ritualistically berating her
guildmates for their poor conduct, she tells Natsu and Gray to accompany
her on her mission, shocking the entire guild with the idea that she
has just formed the strongest team in the history of Fairy Tail.[31] They are joined by Lucy,
the guild's newest recruit, who is requested by Mirajane to keep Natsu
and Gray from bickering behind Erza's back. Before setting out the next
day, Natsu challenges Erza to fight him after they return, which she
Erza discusses her mission with Lucy and Gray of her mission on
the train ride to Onibus; Natsu, however, is left in the dark since Erza
knocks him unconscious to ease his motion sickness.[33]
They are so caught up with their discussion that they accidentally
leave Natsu on the train, prompting Erza to temporarily stop the train
via its emergency stop signal and chase after him on a borrowed Magic Four-Wheeled Car.
Upon retrieving Natsu, he says that he briefly fought with Kageyama,
who had escaped, prompting Erza to berate him for not stopping him and
paying attention to their discussion. Natsu further explains that the
Mage was holding a skull-shaped flute, which Lucy recognizes as the
Lullaby, a mass-murder curse that kills anyone who listens to its music.[34] Erza fights the members of Eisenwald.
Desperate to stop Erigor from playing the Lullaby, Erza and the
others rush for the nearby town of Oshibana, where they find Eisenwald
waiting for them inside the local train station. Before escaping with
the Lullaby, Erigor claims to use the Lullaby to kill everyone in the
city.[35] Erza sends Natsu and Gray to chase after him while she fights
against the members of Eisenwald, easily taking them all out at once.
Having used up much of her Magic Power in the fight and on the Magic
Four-Wheeled Car,[36] she goes outside to evacuate the citizens gathered around the station. However, Erigor reappears and casts a Wind Wall around the station, trapping Erza inside.[37] Erza always gets what she wants.
She interrogates the defeated Eisenwald members in the station and realizes that Eisenwald's true target is Clover Town,
where Makarov and the other guild masters have gathered. Remembering
Kageyama's power to dispel Magic, she and Gray find Kageyama after he is
defeated by Natsu and demands that he lift the Wind Wall, but he is
stabbed in the back by fellow Eisenwald member Karacka to keep him quiet.[38] Fortunately, Lucy acquires the key for the Celestial spirit, Virgo from Happy, allowing the team to burrow beneath the Wind Wall and escape; before doing so, Natsu brings Kageyama, not wanting him to die.[39] Erza, Natsu and Gray fight the Lullaby.
Natsu sets out to fight Erigor while Erza and the others chase after him on another Magic Four-Wheeler with Kageyama in tow.[40]
By the time they catch up, they find that Natsu has successfully
defeated Erigor. However, Kageyama steals the Lullaby and hijacks the
vehicle, setting off for Clover Town to kill the guild masters himself.
Erza and the others chase after him, but by the time they find him at
the masters' meeting hall, they witness Makarov persuading Kageyama to
stop his plan. Suddenly, the Lullaby comes to life and unveils a demon
that was sealed inside the flute.[41] Together with Natsu and Gray, Erza battles and destroys the demon, reverting the Lullaby into an ordinary flute, but destroying the entire meeting hall in the process.[42] Siegrain (Jellal's thought projection) reminds Erza to keep a secret.
Shortly after returning to the guild, Erza keeps her promise to fight Natsu, holding their battle in front of the Fairy Tail guildhall. Before the match can be concluded, however, a messenger appears and arrests Erza on behalf of the Magic Council for the damages caused during their battle against Eisenwald.[43] As she is escorted to her trial, she encounters the Council member, Siegrain,
who reveals that the Council is using her as a scapegoat to display
their authority. Siegrain once again reminds Erza to keep the Tower of
Heaven a secret from the Council before leaving to oversee the trial.
During the trial, Natsu barges into the courtroom, while dressed as
Erza, and tries to pass himself off as her in an attempt to save her,
not realizing that the trial is a formality and she wouldn't be
punished. As a result, the two are imprisoned together for the night.
Although angry that Natsu's rampage had ruined her chance to return home
for the day, she warmly admits that his gesture did make her happy.[44]
Galuna Island arc
After arriving back in Fairy Tail, Natsu tries to fight Erza again.
Erza quickly hits him with her sword, knocking him out. The guild
members, besides for Makarov, then all fall asleep when Mystogan walks in to take a job.[45] In the beginning, Erza was angry...
After Natsu, Lucy and Gray steal a S-Class job and go to Galuna Island, Erza goes after them to stop them and return them to Fairy Tail. She hijacks a pirate ship to go to the island.[46] Erza arrives and saves Lucy from Sherry Blendy and detains Lucy and Happy for their crimes against the guild.[47] ...rather, very angry.
The next day, Gray walks into one of the Galuna Islanders tents to
find Erza sitting with a tied up Lucy, and Happy. Erza tells Gray to
leave the island, since they broke the rule of taking an S-Class job.[48]
Gray refuses and tells Erza to do whatever she wants, but it won't stop
him. Shocked that someone actually stood up to her, Erza has a slight
change of heart and decides to punish them after they finish the
Erza slices Toby, to stop the Moon Drip from releasing Deliora, but doesn't make it in time.[50] However, Deliora is found to have already died.[51] Erza about to throw her spear at the moon.
Erza interrupts their victory by reminding everyone their mission
hasn't been complete, as they haven't saved the villagers from the
curse.[52] Once back at the village, Erza is the one who figures out the secret of the villagers, and uses The Giant's Armor[53] to throw a spear to the moon with the help of a very motivated Natsu. With this, they destroy a layer created by the Moon Drip,
revealing that all the villagers were originally monsters who are able
to turn to humans and not the other way around, and that the Moon Drip
layer was simply causing their confusion.[54] She then leads the team off the island, only taking the Celestial Spirit key
as a reward, and not the money. She then reminds Natsu and co. that
despite finishing the mission, they are all going to get punished.[55]
Once everyone returns to Magnolia, they are surprised to find the guild completely trashed.[56]
Phantom Lord arc
Erza and the others return from Galuna Island, only to find that the guild has been attacked by Phantom Lord.
Later, Erza goes to Lucy's apartment with Team Natsu, and explains the
power of Phantom Lord, and that they have a Dragon Slayer as well.[57] Shortly after, Shadow Gear is attacked as well, leading to a Guild War against Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord.[58] Fairy Tail assault Phantom Lords guild,[59] but after the sucker punch defeat of Makarov by Aria,[60] Erza demands the guild to retreat.[61] Erza tries to stop Jupiter.
As Erza takes a shower, blaming herself for Makarov's defeat, the walking guild of Phantom Lord attacks Fairy Tail[62] with its Magical Convergent Cannon - Jupiter. Erza stops the first shot with her Adamantine Armor, but loses consciousness.[63] Erza defeats Aria.
Later, Erza reappears when Natsu is being beaten by Aria. Erza,
angered by what he did to the master, is able to quickly defeat him.[64]
As she collapses, she implores Natsu to protect Lucy and the guild from
Jose and Gajeel, as his power will one day surpass even hers.[65] Gray and Elfman
find Erza, but before they can aid her, Jose himself appears before
them. He quickly defeats Elfman and Gray. After Erza fights him briefly,
Jose remembers how Erza took the Jupiter Cannon head on, and asks her
how she was able to do it. Erza replies her love for her friends make
her who she is. Jose laughs, and finds Erza a person worth killing.[66] Erza vs Jose.
After Natsu beats Gajeel, she reminds Jose that he lost the war
because he didn't calculate Natsu's destructiveness into his plans. Erza
then berates Jose's reasons for attacking Fairy Tail, and defends Lucy.
Jose soon defeats Erza, but is saved by a recovered Makarov[67] who finally finishes Jose with Fairy Law.[68]
As she helps to rebuild the guild, Erza follows Gray and Natsu to
Lucy's apartment only to not find her home. They all read Lucy's
letters, and find a note from her claiming she is going back to her
home.[69] After Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Happy arrive at the Heartfilia Konzern,
they see Lucy, who just came back from telling her father she will
never stay, and to leave Fairy Tail alone. Team Natsu all share a laugh,
and afterwards everyone is impressed by how much land Lucy's dad owns.[70]
Loke arc
Erza acting as a prince.
Erza is sent to help a theater in trouble; it is here she reveals her
love for the theater and the dramatic arts. She signs the others up in a
play to help the owner
recover from his tragedy, wherein most of his actors and actresses had
quit. Erza spends a long time and effort practicing for her role as the
prince. During the play, Erza gets stage fright and forgets most of her
lines when it comes to performing her part, to which, in some moments,
she improvises to fill up sentences in her dialogue. Later though, she
gets too deep into her character, as she cuts Lucy's clothes up on
stage. The team ends up destroying the theater due to their
recklessness, but still get a standing ovation, successfully making Labian's play entertaining.[71] Team Natsu finishes up a job and run into Loke shortly after. After Lucy thanks him for finding her keys, he quickly runs off though.[72] When Loke is missing from the guild the next day, Erza searches for him with Natsu.[73]
Tower of Heaven arc
Erza's dress to go to the casino.
Erza is one of the members invited by Loke to go with her to an
expensive resort. At the beach, Erza has a quick flashback of her slave
life at the Tower of Heaven. When she wakes up from the daydream, she
Lucy invites her to go to the resorts casino.[74]
While at the casino, Lucy and Erza are playing cards when one of Erza's childhood friends, Shô, steps in to rotate the dealer position.[75] Suddenly, the casino lights turn off due to Simon'sspell,
then comes back on with Shô behind Erza, telling her that he can use
Magic as well, and demonstrates this by trapping everyone in the casino
inside playing cards.[76] Erza shot by Wally.
Another friend of Erza, Millianna,
appears from behind Lucy and ties her up using her Magic ropes. Feeling
insulted, Shô tells Erza that they were her friends too once, until she
betrayed them. The group
tells Erza that they are here to take her back home. Erza, pleading for
Wally to stop, gets shot in the back by Wally's tranquilizer shot.
Before their departure, Wally gives Millianna a sleeping Happy as a
gift. Shô is excited to reveal that Erza will be returning to the Tower of Heaven, where Jellal is waiting.[77] Erza captured by Shô.
Erza later wakes up in a ship on the way to the tower, bound by Millianna's Nekousoku Tube.
Shô then appears, and yells at her for betraying Jellal. Erza then has
another short flashback, revealing her imprisonment with Jellal and the
rest of her old friends.[78]
As Erza arrives at the Tower, she is thrown in a prison. Shô
tells her she will stay there until the "ceremony" starts tomorrow. He
then tells her that she will be the sacrifice for "Paradise". Erza tells
Shô not to use the R-System to resurrect the Black Mage, Zeref,
because of the consequences it will bring to the Magic World. Erza then
brings Shô to his knees by kicking him in the face, and then sets out
to search for Jellal.[79] Erza explains her past as a slave.
Erza fights her way through some guards, asking where Jellal is, and
eventually comes across Natsu and and co., who has also teamed up with Juvia Lockser.
Although she is surprised to see them, she tells them to go back. Natsu
refuses, one reason being because Millianna has Happy. Erza apologizes,
saying that she will lose this fight no matter what. Erza then tells
them about the Tower of Heaven and about her past.[80]
After sharing her past, Erza tells Gray, Lucy, and Juvia, that she is destined to fight Jellal.[81] Meanwhile, Jellal's thought projection, Siegrain, is gathering votes at the Magic Council to destroy the Tower of Heaven with the Etherion.[82]
Back at the Tower, Erza tells the others that Zeref was the strongest
Dark Mage ever. He created horrible and destructive monsters. Lucy
points out that the Lullaby was one of Zeref's monsters. Erza also
thinks that Deliora was one, too. Lucy then asks why Erza is considered a
traitor to her old friends. Erza doesn't know why, but suspects Jellal
made something up. Shô then appears, hearing what actually happened
eight years ago and cannot believe that Jellal was tricking them all
this time. Simon then appears, revealing he knew all along that Jellal
was lying. They all decide to work together to stop Jellal.[83] Erza trapped in a card.
Everybody follows Simon in an attempt to look for Natsu and stop Erza's other friends from attacking.[84] The company learns that they can't escape, because they need to defeat Jellal and the assassins of Death's Head Caucus', Trinity Raven,
before Jellal activates the tower that will cause the Council to
release the Etherion, which will destroy the tower and them along with
it.[85] After hearing what will happen, Shô traps Erza in one of his cards and runs off with her.[86] Erza and Shô run into Ikaruga. Ikaruga claims that she can slice anything, even separate dimensions like Shô's cards. With this, she quickly defeats him.[87] Erza vs. Ikaruga.
Ikaruga starts attacking Erza, who is still inside Shô's card. After a
few more slices, Erza breaks out of it. All of a sudden, Erza's armor
is cut into pieces, showing that she didn't dodge all of Ikaruga's
attacks successfully.[88]
She then requips her Heaven's Wheel Armor. The two girls attack each
other head on.Erza reqiups several armors, but all of them easily break
by Ikaruga's sword. Erza then gets up and requips a sarashi, with a flame patterned bottom hakama.[89] Erza defeats Ikaruga.
Erza explains there is nothing special about her armor. All her life
she had locked her heart away in her suit of armor, and that had made
her weak and afraid. Now that she wears none, she believes she can
defeat Ikaruga.[90]
The two ladies charge towards each other, their swords clashing for the
final time. Although Erza gets slashed, Erza's slash to Ikaruga is able
to defeat her. Erza tells Shô to get everybody else out the tower,
claiming that she will fight Jellal and end this.[91] Erza pinning down Jellal and preparing to kill him.
Erza makes it to the part of the tower where Jellal is. Jellal claims
the game is over, and Erza asks if playing with people's lives are fun.
She thinks Jellal is bluffing about the Etherion falling, but he claims
that he is not and that either way, she will be a sacrifice for Zeref.
The two battle, and Erza eventually pins Jellal to the ground with her
sword at his neck.[92] Erza fighting Jellal.
She then tells Jellal he failed at completing the R-System because
the tower has no Magic to resurrect. There needs to be 2.7 billion Edeas
in order for the tower to activate. Trying to make her give up, he
explains how his body was possessed by Zeref and how he is nothing more
than a doll doing his bidding.
He says he knew he could not finish the R-System, but Zeref would
not stop him. He asks Erza to strike him down. She refuses and hugs
Jellal as the Etherion hits the tower, completely destroying the outer structure of the tower.[93]
Surprised that she is alive after the blast, she looks around and notices there is Lacrima
everywhere and that the structure is an absorption crystal. Jellal
explains that the Council's Etherion provided the tower with 2.7 billion
Edeas to bring Zeref back. Just then, Siegrain shows up and reveals
that he and Jellal are the same person, and that he became a Council
Member just to cast the Etherion down on the tower. They both reveal
that they are the same person and that Siegrain was just a Thought Projection. Now that the two have morphed back together, Jellal’s full Magical Power returns.[94] Natsu saves Erza from being a sacrifice for Zeref.
A Bind Snake
Jellal cast earlier stops Erza from moving. Before putting her in the
Lacrima to be the sacrifice for Zeref, Natsu arrives to pull Erza out.
Erza tells Natsu to leave and not fight Jellal, because she is afraid of
the consequences that will happen to him. Natsu then punches her,
causing her to faint while mentioning he'll win this fight. Enraged by
how much Jellal has hurt Erza, Natsu flares up and goes to fight Jellal.[95] Erza's sorrow after Simon's death.
Erza then wakes up to Natsu being blasted by Jellal's meteor attacks.
Natsu starts destroying the tower so the resurrection cannot occur.
Jellal prepares another attack on Natsu, but Erza gets in front, hoping
that he won't attack her. He still prepares to launch it, claiming that
it does not matter who the sacrifice is, now that there is so much
damage. He launches his attack. Opening her eyes, Erza sees that Simon
is in front of her and that he used his body as a shield to protect her.
He falls to the ground, confesses his love for Erza, and then dies.
Erza screams in anguish as Natsu continues his battle with Jellal. By
eating the Etherion,[96] Natsu manages to defeat Jellal,[97] but the tower becomes unstable and is ready to blow up, which will kill anyone near it.[98] Erza sacrifices herself in front of Natsu.
Back in the tower, Erza carries Natsu on her back. She shortly
realizes that she needs to be the sacrifice to control the Magic energy
and stop the explosion. She then puts her body half-way in the crystal,
only for Natsu to wake up and ask her what she is doing. She tells him
she cannot imagine a world without her friends and if she dies saving
everybody, then she has no regrets; she then offers her body to the
R-System so that she can control it. She blanks out completely.[99]
Erza wakes up in a dress, wondering where she is. Everything is
white around her. The scene turns to her funeral. Erza realizes that she
is dead and that nobody is happy. Natsu doesn't believe Erza is dead
and refuses to accept it, causing a ruckus as the funeral. As everybody
cries, Erza realizes that she made a mistake.[100] Natsu saves Erza.
She then wakes up, realizing it was a dream. All of her friends run
towards her, and Natsu carries her towards them. He lays her in the
water, to which Erza is amazed that he was able to not only find, but
also take her out the vortex alive.
Natsu in tears tells Erza not to sacrifice herself ever again. Erza
promises him to do so, and she comes to the realization that she doesn't
need to die for her friends, but to live for them, because that is that
only way to bring the best future. For the first time since eight years
ago, she cries tears of joy, out of both eyes.[101] Erza in the Fairy Tail’s Farewell Armor.
Wally, Millianna and Shô apologize to Erza, saying they didn't want
to hurt her. Erza suggests they come to Fairy Tail. Later, Lucy asks
where Shô and the others went. Erza dashes out to go look for them.[102]
She then realizes that her former comrades decided to leave Erza’s
side, saying that they have caused her too much pain for her. Erza then
prepares for them the official Fairy Tail’s Farewell Ceremony. After a
few promises, she recites the rules when leaving Fairy Tail, and cries
goodbye to them, hoping to see them again someday. After that, Natsu,
Lucy, Gray and Erza throw a farewell bash, wishing Shô, Millianna, and
Wally well as they depart, finally free and living their own lives.[103]
Fighting Festival arc
Never mess with Erza's cake
Erza comes back to the guild to see it rebuilt and in great condition; but her happiness is interrupted when she finds that Gajeel Redfox
has joined Fairy Tail. She voices her concerns with Makarov, but as he
gives her his confidence, she petitions to have Gajeel watched.[104]
Later, when a reporter from Sorcerer Magazine comes to Fairy Tail
to interview the members, she wears a modified version of her Heart
Kreuz Armor. She surprises everyone when she expresses her desire to be
interviewed.[105] Erza and the other contestants turned to stone.
During the festival, Erza competes for the title of "Miss Fairy
Tail", requipping into a beautiful dress that Lucy recognizes as Goth Lolita
style in front of everyone, and states that victory is hers. However,
she is turned to stone, along with all the other Miss Fairy Tail
contestants by Evergreen.[106] Erza is freed from Evergreen's Magic.
Natsu and Gajeel try to turn her back to normal with Natsu's flame,
thinking that it would release her from the stone. She does get revived,
but due to her artificial eye halving the effect of Evergreen's Magic.
She soon realizes that even Mystogan has arrived to fight Laxus Dreyar, in order to help save the guild.[107] Erza threatens to kill Evergreen.
She then goes to town to find Laxus, but encounters Evergreen
instead. She threatens Evergreen to release the other girls, but
Evergreen is more interested in claiming the title of "Titania" for
herself instead. After fighting her for some time, Erza pins her against
a wall. Evergreen reveals to her she'll kill the girls if Erza doesn't
strip to degrade herself. Erza responds by requipping into her Heaven's Wheel Armor
and threatens to kill Evergreen herself if she doesn't revive the
girls, and thus, Evergreen concedes and the girls are released.[108] Erza fights Laxus.
After her fight with Evergreen, both Erza and Natsu find Laxus and
Mystogan already fighting in the Cathedral. When Erza witnesses the true
face of Mystogan, it turns out to resemble Jellal's completely. Not
knowing it wasn't Jellal, her eyes begin to shed tears and she becomes
emotionally unstable for a moment. Mystogan claims he is not Jellal, but
he knows who he is, and then quickly disappears, leaving Laxus to Erza
and Natsu.[109] She recovers from the surprise though and prepares to attack Laxus with her Lightning Empress Armor, but later decides to trust Natsu to stop Laxus, and goes to destroy the Thunder Palace instead to protect everyone in Magnolia.[110] Erza on Fantasia Parade. With the help of Warren Rocko,
she communicates with all her comrades, and they help her to destroy
the Hall of Thunder's Lacrimas. In the end, she manages to take out
two-hundred Lacrimas, which are the majority of them.[111]
After Laxus is defeated, the Harvest Festival continues with the Fantasia Parade. Erza performs with her swords on her float, not knowing Mystogan watches her.[112]
When Laxus leaves the guild, Erza and the rest of the guild puts up the
sign he and Makarov made up, meaning they will always be watching over
Oración Seis arc
Erza begins to try and find out about Mystogan; however, she realizes Makarov knows nothing about him. Stumped, Erza wonders about Mystogan's relationship to Jellal, and why they both have the same exact face.[114]
Later, Erza and her team begin to go on a mission to hunt a Mage
hunter, but she becomes surprised when she hears Lucy went off to
Acalypha and took out the Naked Mummy Guild by herself.[115] Fearless Erza trembling before she re-meets Ichiya.
Later, Makarov reveals that an alliance of guilds has been made in order to take down one of the Dark Guilds part of the Balam Alliance, the Oración Seis, and that Fairy Tail is a part of it. Team Natsu is chosen as Fairy Tail's representatives.[116] They meet up with the Blue Pegasus Guild delegates, The Trimens that are none other than, Hibiki Lates, Eve Tearm, Ren Akatsuki, and to Erza's horror, Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki. They also meet the delegates of Lamia Scale Guild: Jura Neekis, Lyon Vastia and Sherry Blendy, as well as the delegates of Cait Shelter: Wendy Marvell[117] and Carla.[118] As all the delegates get together, Erza follows Natsu and Gray as they run to find the Oración Seis.[119] Cuberos bites Erza.
As the Oración Seis finds them, Erza battles Cobra in her Flight Armor. However, she is bitten by his snake and she suffers from the extreme poison.[120]
As Lucy gives Erza her belt to strap on her arm, she begs for someone
to cut her poisoned arm off. Lyon steps forward to do this, but this is
denied by her fellow Fairy Tail members and an argument erupts. However,
Carla explains to them that Wendy, who was kidnapped by Brain, can help her, as her Magic allows her to heal the injured.[121] As the others leave to rescue Wendy, Lucy and Hibiki Lates stay behind to take care of her.[122] After Natsu arrives with Wendy, she treats Erza and removes the poison.[123] When the others notice a pillar of black light in the sky, Natsu knows Jellal is there and rushes forward.[124] In the ensuing confusion, Erza slips away, intending to find Jellal as well.[125] Erza meets Jellal.
Because the others are impeded in fights against the Oración Seis,
Erza manages to reach Jellal first, although she is unsure of how to act
towards him. To her surprise, she discovers that he has become
amnesiac, and is only able to remember her name.[126]
As Erza explains who he is and what he did to his comrades, Jellal
breaks down in tears upon learning what kind of person he is.[127] Suddenly, Cobra appears and attempts to take Nirvana, but Jellal reveals that he put a Self-Destruction Spell
around Nirvana to destroy it. However, he also put the spell on himself
so he can end his life, and free Erza from the pain he has caused to
her.[128] Erza gives Jellal a scolding.
She doesn't take this too kindly and runs up to him, grabs him and
demands that he cancel the spell and live. Moments later, Brain appears,
revealing that he taught Jellal the Self-Destruction Spell, and easily
cancels it, before activating the second stage of Nirvana. Erza and
Jellal are caught in Nirvana's skywards eruption, as she holds onto
Jellal with one hand. She pulls him up, saying that he should live on to
see the future as Fairy Tail members do with their connection of
"hope".[129] Erza prepares to fight Midnight with new confidence.
Later, Midnight appears before her and quickly defeats Jellal, revealing his Reflector Magic to her.[130]
She tries her best to fight him, but all her attacks are reflected and
her armor becomes reflected to confine her. As Midnight tortures Jellal
with the truth of his deeds, Erza reassures Jellal that she believes
that there is still goodness in him, and requips to her Robe of Yūen, readying herself for round two against Midnight.[131]
Erza reveals all three of Midnight's weaknesses, which are not being
able to reflect two things at once, her not being able to work on
humans, and Erza's current armor being made out of rubber.[132] Erza defeats Midnight.
Midnight says that at midnight, his refracting gets to his peak as he
transforms into a giant monster. He creates a giant explosion and stabs
Jellal and Erza.
He is then successfully slashed and defeated by Erza as she reveals his
transformation was all just an illusion.[133]
Afterwards, she manages to get into contact with the others through
Hibiki's telepathy, only to learn that Nirvana is controlled by six
different Lacrima Crystals.[134]
After their discussion and planning, Hibiki implants a map to
guide them towards the location of each Lacrima Crystal. Erza says she
will handle Lacrima number five. When Jellal is about to say he'll
destroy the sixth Lacrima, she immediately interrupts him. She whispers
to him that Natsu still doesn't know his relation towards the mission
and might mistake him as an enemy. When Erza finishes, Natsu answers
that he seemed to have heard a familiar voice, but Hibiki's connection
is then lost.[135] Erza destroying one of Nirvana's legs.
Erza arrives in front of the fifth Lacrima, waiting for the appointed time to arrive and destroy it.[136]
After Natsu's victory over Zero, the rest of the Mages including Erza
manage to destroy all six Lacrima Crystals, destroying Nirvana.[137]
Everyone rejoices as they are reunited. Erza says that she will support
Jellal and he does not need to care about his memories. At this moment,
they stare at each other, only for the New Magic Council to interrupt
and arrest Hoteye and Jellal for their past criminal acts.[138] Erza asking Jellal on what he'll do in the future
As Jellal willingly gives himself up to the Council, Lahar
warns him that this will probably be the last time he ever sees them
again, for he will either be given the death sentence or life
imprisonment. Suddenly, an angered Natsu starts to fight against the
Council, trying to bring Jellal back. This causes every other Mage to
fight for Jellal as well, except for Erza, who can only tremble in anger
and watch the chaos. Erza decides to stop the commotion once and for
all, and lets the Council take Jellal away. Jellal looks back at her in
relief, but not before he mentions her scarlet hair, implying that he
remembers the time he chose her last name, Scarlet.[139] Erza's sadness after she loses Jellal
They say their final farewells and as Jellal is taken away, everyone
looks on sadly. Erza later sits alone, crying for the loss of her friend
as she remembers when she and Jellal were together as kids, and him
choosing her last name based on her hair color.[140] Erza invites Wendy to join Fairy Tail.
Back at Cait Shelter, Roubaul reveals to Light Team
that Wendy's whole guild was just an illusion he made after she was
left in his care. Wendy, now alone,is comforted by Erza and invited to
join Fairy Tail.[141]
Daphne arc
Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
Click "show" to read the arc plot. [show]
Edolas arc
Erza and Gray return.
After the return of Gildarts Clive,
he tells Natsu he has something to tell him, Erza urges Natsu and Lucy
not to take on the Hundred Year quest that Gildarts had recently failed.[146] Later, Erza comments on Bisca Mulan and Alzack Connell
getting along well. Erza tells them to treasure these memories so they
will not regret them later. Makarov then calls Erza over, telling her
that about his choice to pass the Hundred Year Quest to another guild,
to which she agrees.[147] Later, the Anima sucks up Fairy Tail, and all of Magnolia into Edolas, including Erza.[148][149] However, Gajeel releases her and Gray from the Lacrima[150] with Mystogan's help. Mystogan then sends them to Edolas with X-Balls that allow Earth Land people to use Magic freely in Edolas.[151] Erza and Gray join the fray.
When Erza Knightwalker
is about to kill Happy, Erza and Gray bash some of the Edolas Guards
and show up, ready to attack, and declare Erza Knightwalker to be an
enemy of Fairy Tail.[152]
Seeing that her counterpart is about to strike Gray, Erza quickly
blocks her counterpart's spear with her sword, and the clash of their
weapons. Realizing that her group cannot not proceed any further than
they already have with Knightwalker hot on their tails, Scarlet orders
her friends to carry on without her.[153] Erza vs. Erza!
As the two Erzas fight, Knightwalker explains her Magical weapon, The Ten Commandments. Scarlet notices how her counterparts Magic is a lot like her's.[154] Erza dragging Natsu and Gray.
Erza is successful in defeating her counterpart, and takes on her guise as Knightwalker afterwards.[155] Erza, still in disguise, catches up with Natsu and Gray and captures them. She drags them to the Dragon Chain Cannon room, commenting on how she can see eternal Magic coming.[156] Erza takes Faust hostage
She then orders Gray to activate the cannon aiming towards the
island, with the threat that she would kill Natsu if he did not comply.
Right at the crucial moment, however, Erza Scarlet suddenly shouts at
Natsu to fight, before quickly holding her sword at Faust's
throat, revealing her true identity to everyone else, and that the
entire plan to be a ruse. She then tells the soldiers to move the
coordinates to fire at the Lacrima, or she will kill the king.[157]
However, the real Erza Knightwalker vaults over the wall of the
control room and frees Faust, which leads to the release of cannon on
the Lacrima island. Just then, an ally of theirs, Coco, arrives on her legion, helping them all escape. They then set flight towards the Lacrima island to save Magnolia.[158] She then helps everyone to push back the Lacrima island, enough for Mystogan to send the giant Lacrima back to Earth Land. Just when everything seems over though, Erza's counterpart shoots Pantherlily, declaring the battle is not over yet.[159] When the Dorma Anim
shows up, Natsu tells her that he, along with Gajeel and Wendy, would
take care of Faust, while she and her group should protect the Exceed's.[160] However, as they try to catch up, Knightwalker ambushes the legion that they are on. While Lucy, Gray, and Coco fall, Erza merely chains on to another legion and clashes with her counterpart once more, with both of them declaring that there is only room for one Erza, and the other one must perish.[161] Scarlet Vs. Knightwalker Round Two.
The second round starts off with each Erza fighting ferociously, as
Scarlet uses several different armors, and Knightwalker changes her
spears forms. Eventually, Erza comments on how they're both evenly
matched, but then Knightwalker decides at that moment to use her trump
card, Ravelt. Erza then requips into the Armadura Fairy
Armor. As the two Erza's clash, they create an explosion large enough
to shatter the entire island, and in the process, Erza's armor is
destroyed along with Knightwalker's spear.[162] Scarlet and Knightwalker get physical.
However, even though they both have already run out of Magic, they
have a fist fight, while debating about whether it is wrong to extort
Magic from Extalia.
Erza finally manages to knock some sense into Knightwalker, telling her
that they can still survive without Magic, and that it can be overcome.
She then tells Knightwalker that they are the same, and as Erza herself
has the same evil qualities and weaknesses in Knightwalker,
Knightwalker herself has the same compassionate heart as Erza. The
falling island then crashes into the ground, and both Erzas no longer
have the strength to move. Knightwalker then admits defeat, but Erza
denies this, saying that there is no such thing, seeing as they're the
same person.[163] Farewell, Erza.
With the two Erza's peace is made,the Reverse-Anima begins to take
Scarlet back to Earth Land. The two Erzas bid one final farewell.[164]
After returning to Earth Land, she is surprised to see the Exceeds have
arrived in Earth Land, and after hearing about their story, no one has
grudge against them. The Exceeds decide to find all the eggs they sent
to Earth Land, and bid a final farewell to Fairy Tail.[165] Return to Earth Land!
However, when the Exceeds leave, Erza, along with Gray and Natsu, are surprised when Pantherlily drags out the captured Lisanna.[166]
However, Lisanna reveals that she was never dead, but that she was
merely transported to Edolas by the Anima, and she is in fact the
Lisanna everyone knows. Erza, alongside Natsu and the others, helps
Lisanna to return to her siblings.[167]
Tenrou Island arc
Erza activates her Magic Aura in front of Juvia.
Back at Fairy Tail, everybody is acting hyper again. Pantherlily
tells Erza that it's comforting to see a familiar face like hers, even
though she's not the Erza he knew.[168] Later, Erza is by Makarov's side for the announcing of the S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial. Gajeel is not elected to participate, as Erza claims it is too soon for the guild to trust him yet.[169]
After the rules are explained, it is revealed that Erza will be
participating along with Mirajane and Gildarts. Their main role in the
trial is to attempt to hinder the selected teams in some way.[170] Sorry, but you failed.
After the participants get to Tenrou Island, Makarov tells them there will be eight paths, and of them, seven will result in battles.[171] She waits in Path D, and battles both Juvia and Lisanna.[172] Despite a valiant fight, Erza easily manages to defeat them.[173]
After the first part of the exam is over, she, along with Juvia,
Lisanna, and Mirajane, all rest at the camp on the island. She questions
why Mest and Wendy aren't at the base, which sends her and Juvia out to look for them.[174]
Later, Erza and Juvia both find an injured Levy McGarden. Erza, with Juvia and Levy go to help Gajeel, to find he successfully beat Kawazu and Yomazu, members of a Dark Guild, Grimoire Heart. While they check up on Gajeel's condition, Yomazu announces that The Seven Kin of Purgatory is coming, the aces of Grimoire Heart.
Erza immediately announces that the exam is now on hold, and sends a
warning flare signal to the rest of the guild members present on Tenrou
Island.[175] Erza and Juvia vs. Meredy.
Erza goes over to Yomazu and asks what their goals are. He then reveals they are here for the Black Mage, Zeref. He tells them Zeref lived 400 years ago, and has since been in a "slumbering" state.[176] When the Grimoire Heart Guild arrives on the island, members surround Juvia and Erza, and they prepare to fight them.[177] They easily defeat all the members in their immediate vicinity, but are then confronted by Meredy. Erza warns Juvia not to underestimate her just because she is a kid, saying that she can sense a strange Magic from the girl.[178] Erza fights with Meredy's blades.
In her battle with Juvia against Meredy, Meredy uses Maguilty Sodom,
which creates Magic swords that are sent flying towards her and Juvia.
The attack manages to pierce Juvia's water body, which causes Erza to
question what type of Magic it is.[179]
As they battle continues, Meredy goes on to explain her rankings for people to kill, and says Gray Fullbuster is first, since he is the reason Ultear'smother
was killed. Meredy then sends more swords towards Erza, but Juvia uses
her water to surround and knock all of her blades away. Juvia then says
she can't forgive Meredy now. Erza, with a nervous look, remarks that
Juvia should calm down.[180]
Juvia proceeds to attack Meredy with astonishing strength. This
shocks Erza, who notices that Juvia's fighting is nothing like how she
was during the exams. She finally understands that Juvia's true powers
come out when she fights for a loved one. Juvia tells Erza that she will
handle Meredy and that Erza needs to go find Wendy and Gray. Erza
departs leaving Juvia to her.[181] Erza vs. Azuma.
As Erza runs around looking for her guild mates, Azuma emerges upside down from a tree and provokes her into a fight[182]
After requipping a few more armors, she and Azuma battle for a while
longer. Azuma comments that he and Erza are the same as they both pursue
the strong opponents. Erza, however, replies that she only needs the
strength to protect her comrades. Azuma smiles after hearing the
statement and activates his Lost Magic, Great Tree Arc to uproot Tenrou Island's tree,[183]
which had the ability to protect and give strength to every Fairy Tail
member.Azuma then tells Erza that her friends' lives are on the line,
and to show him if she has enough power to protect them.[184] Erza almost defeated by Azuma.
Erza asks Azuma why she's the only not affected by his damage to the
Tenrou Tree. He says he wants to fight her when she's serious, to which
Erza responds by claiming she will defeat him no matter what, but makes
Azuma promise if she beats him, he'll return the guild's Magical Power.
Erza and Azuma square off
once more, but she has great trouble gaining the upper-hand. She
decides that she needs to put all her Magical power into one attack
without using any power for defense, so she requips to just a sarashi
and a single sword. She goes all out using her Crimson Cherry technique,
but Azuma is easily able to ensnare Erza before she gets to him, and
uses the Terra Chrymal send Erza to the brink of defeat.[185] Pushed by her nakama.
While Erza is unconscious, she hears Jellal's voice telling her not
to lose, and she wakes up, telling herself it's just her imagination and
that she needs to focus on Azuma. She attacks him, forcing him on the
defense for a bit, but once again, he bind her arms and legs, hitting
her with his strongest attack once more. As Erza falls to her defeat,
she hears Natsu's voice asking her if she was going to give up, and has
other visions of her friends in the guild. This gives her the resolve to
get back up. She apologizes to them, mentioning that she wasn't
protecting everyone but instead, she was the one being protected.[186] Erza defeats Azuma.
As she comes toward Azuma, he is surprised that he has lost control
of the Tenrou Island Magic and that it now protects Erza. He thinks to
himself that their true strength is not in the individual but the sum of
them, and calls them an amazing guild. Erza lands a finishing blow,
defeating Azuma.[187]
After defeating Azuma, Erza falls to the ground, battle worn, and
notices Azuma's body transforming into a tree. He states that it is a
side effect of overusing his Lost Magic. He then tells her that, as
promised, he would return everyone's Magic Power to them. She then asks
him if he knew a man name Jellal. Azuma states that he does and explains
that Jellal is a sad man whose become obsessed with the idea that Zeref
ghost exist and that he lost all sense of reason. Erza then asks him
why they are after Zeref. Azuma states that it is to get closer to the
very first Magic in the world, as it would lead to what Jellal called,
"Paradise". Azuma tries to explain further but is completely transformed
into trees.[188] Team Natsu challenge Hades.
Erza soon meets up with Gray, Natsu, Wendy, Lucy, Pantherlily, Happy,
and Carla and they all head towards the Grimoire Heart airship to fightHades, the final enemy on the island.[189]
Before going on the ship, Natsu tells the Exceeds to search for the
ship's power source and destroy it in order to prevent it from taking
off. After Wendy casts Troia on Natsu as a precautionary measure, the
group head inside the airship. Erza reminds the group that Hades is a
powerful Mage and that to use their full power from the start. All the
Mages fight to the best of their ability, and send Hades crashing into
one of the walls. He emerges unharmed though, and claims he is ready to
get serious. He screams out "Katsu", and Wendy disappears.[190]
A voice is heard above all of them, as it is revealed Horologium
saved her at the last second by forcing his gate open, commenting that
since the danger was higher then normal he came out to help.
Horologuim's time is spent so he releases a newly clothed Wendy and
tells the group to be more careful before disappearing.[191]
Everyone prepares to attack again. Hades mocks the current Fairy
Tail, and tells his opponents he was the second master of Fairy Tail. A
disbelieving Natsu charges, but Hades attack him, as well as everyone
else, leaving them all on the ground. As Team Natsu lay defeated , Hades
starts to belittle Makarov, but Natsu defends him, prompting Hades to
brutally beat up Natsu, while Erza and the others watch in horror. Just
when Hades is about to finish Natsu off, Laxus appears and headbutts the
former master.[192] Erza feels fear.
After Laxus fails at beating Hades, and gives his Magical Power to Natsu,[193] Erza remarks how the situation is similar to when Natsu ate the Etherion.[194]
After Natsu attacks Hades with his Lighting Flame attacks, Erza is
shocked to see Hades is still okay. Hades then removes his eye patch and
shows the group the "Abyss of Magic", which transforms Hades and
increases his Magical Power drastically.[195] After displaying his Living Magic
spells, Natsu tells the group to use the fear they are experiencing to
become stronger. With that, everyone helps launch Natsu at Hades, even
though none of them have Magical power left. Natsu and Hades's final
collision ends with the ship exploding.[196]
Natsu prevails punching Hades in the face. Hades doesn't know how he
lost, until he feels that his heart had been destroyed somewhere on the
ship. He reveals his heart was the only thing that let him use all his
Magic. Wendy shows Erza, Gray, and Lucy that the Tenrou tree is back up,
which was thanks to Ultear's Arc of Time.[197] Everyone then attacks Hades, with Natsu landing the final blow to defeat him.[198] Fairy Tail flees as Makarov holds off Acnologia
After their success, the rest of the injured Fairy Tail members show
up and scare off the remaining Grimoire Heart members. Afterwards, all
the guild members head back to camp and rejoice in their victory.[199] Their rest, however, is cut short when Acnologia arrives and attacks the guild members. Erza watches as Makarov holds the beast off and tells his guild members that his final order is for them to escape.[200]
However, she, along with the rest of Fairy Tail, comes back and
attempts to fight Acnologia. Their attack amounts to nothing, and all
the Fairy Tail members hold hands in an attempt to negate the attack as
the island is destroyed by the dragon's Dragon Roar. They fail and
Tenrou Island is destroyed.[201]
X791 arc
Erza along with the rest of the Tenrou Team are rescued by Bisca, Alzack, Jet, Droy, Max, Warren and the Trimens from Blue Pegasus. She watches as Mavis Vermilion
reveals that she was the one who saved them and then disappears. She
returns to the Fairy Tail Guild and, along with Natsu, Gajeel and Gray,
defeats the members of Twilight Ogre who were threatening Romeo, later
being welcomed back by him and the older Fairy Tail members.[202] Payback - Fairy Tail style.
Erza joins their welcome back party, and is surprised to hear the Bisca and Alzack have gotten married and have a child.[203] Erza is later confronted by the couple again in Magnolia Town, and they reveal startling information about Jellal to her.[204] Later, Erza, along with Mirajane, accompanies Makarov to the Twilight Ogre
Guild to pay them back everything they owe. She dons her Purgatory
Armor and she, along with Makarov and Mirajane, proceed to fight the
entire guild.[205]
Key of the Starry Sky arc
Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
Click "show" to read arc plot. [show]
Grand Magic Games arc
Erza training
Erza and the other members of Fairy Tail go to the beach to train for the Grand Magic Games.[225] On the second day of training, Erza and co. are interrupted by Virgo, who tells everyone the Celestial Spirit World
is in great danger and requires everyone's help. They are sent to the
Spirit World, where they find out there is no trouble, but all of Lucy's
Spirits had planned a party to celebrate everyone's return. After a day
of celebrating, Virgo informs the gang that time runs different in the
Spirit World than in Earth Land, thus they have lost almost the whole
three months of training in the one day.[226]
Once they realize this, Erza and the others become depressed
until the group is contacted by Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy. After a
brief reunion, Ultear decides to increase everyone in Fairy Tail's power
by activating their "Second Origin" with her improved Arc of Time.[227] Erza slaps Jellal
Erza and Jellal go off to talk privately, and she asks him if all of
his memories have returned, with him confirming that they have. He tells
her he's prepared to die if she wants to seek revenge for him killing
their friend Simon,
however Erza says she won't because Simon wouldn't have wanted that.
When he says that he thinks death is the only way to truly redeem his
sins, Erza slaps him and pulls on his collar, accidentally causing the
two of them to fall off the rocky ledge they were sitting on and into a
large flower field, with Jellal landing on top of her.
Erza and Jellal kiss
While on top of her, Jellal and Erza kiss. However, Jellal pushes her
away and tells her that he can't because he has a fiancee. When Jellal,
Ultear, and Meredy later take their leave, Erza sees them off.[228]
She smiles and remarks to herself that Jellal's a clumsy liar,
referring to the fact that she knew he lied about having a fiancee, but
accepts his decision on their relationship.[229]
Later Erza along with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Happy and Carla arrive in Fiore's capital Crocus.
After a brief meeting with the rest of the Guild members that have
arrived, Erza goes to the room provided for them to see if something is
Later, when Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy return to the Honeybone Lodge,
Erza scolds them for their lateness, but it is interrupted when Lisanna
and Elfman walk in. The meeting is interrupted, however, when it is
announced that the preliminary for the Grand Magic Games
is about to begin. They are informed that in order to be in the games,
they must be one of the first eight teams to go through the Sky
Labyrinth. Erza and the others are worried because Wendy
is nowhere to be seen, but Elfman decides to take her place and they
set off. Eventually, by defeating other guilds and taking their maps of
the Sky Labyrinth, they arrive at Domas Flau, but are informed that they are the last of the eight teams to make it.[231] Erza represents Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games (far right)Erza
and the others change into their team outfits before they head out to
hear which teams made it out of the labyrinth before them. As the teams
are introduced, they learn that Raven Tail has entered into the competition, and are angry when they learn that they are the ones who injured Wendy and Carla.[232] She is also shocked to learn that there is a second team from Fairy Tail in the running, consisting of Gajeel Redfox, Mirajane Strauss, Laxus Dreyar, Juvia Lockser, and Jellal Fernandes disguised as Mystogan. A few minutes later, after they hear the rules for the first event of the games, Gray decides to enter for them in that round.[233]
When Gray loses the event and the crowd mocks him and Fairy Tail for
it, Natsu comes to his defense, but Erza stops Natsu from acting rashly.[234] When the first battle of the day is chosen, Lucy vs. Flare Corona, Erza encourages Lucy to win.[235]
After Lucy's defeat by Flare, due to the outside help she received
from a fellow Raven Tail member, Jellal and Jura eventually step up to
fight. Jellal loses the match because Ultear intervenes because he was
about to give away his identity accidentally.[236] After the guild's terrible first day, they go to a nearby bar and celebrate.[237] When a Mage from Erza's past, Bacchus,
enters, the two talk briefly and he vows that they will settle their
score for good. When Lucy asks Erza who he is, she replies that he is a
Mage that she fought constantly in the past, but neither ever beat the
other, much to Lucy, Natsu, and Gray's shock.[238]
When the second day's battle begins, Erza listens to and is moved
by Toby's greatest secret, being subsequently angered to the point that
she has to be held back when Kurohebi rips Toby's sock.[239] Later, she gives encouragement to Elfman when he has to fight Bacchus.[240] Erza also watches Mirajane and Jenny's fight and comments on Mirajane's Satan Soul: Sitri.
Erza and Millianna reunite.
After the second day ends, Erza and Jellal meet under a bridge in Crocus.
The two discuss the sudden disappearance of the strange Magic that was
at the tournament every year. Jellal decides to inspect the organizers
directly now and starts to leave, but not before Erza tells him not to
overdo it.[241] As Erza walks back to her lodging, she is approached by a member of Mermaid Heel, who reveals herself to be Millianna.[242] Erza and Millianna talk about her joining a guild and Shô and Wally, who Millianna states are still traveling. Erza soon mentions Kagura, and compliments her on her strength. She then asks about the woman's sword, Archenemy,
to which Millianna explains that Kagura will never unsheathe it until
she faces the man who destroyed her life, Jellal Fernandes.[243]
Millianna declares her hatred for Jellal as well for forcing her to
remain a slave and for him killing Simon, under the assumption that Erza
feels the same way. Erza can only guiltily look away in response.[244]
She is later seen gazing over Crocus from a high position,
thinking about her recent conversation, when Gray joins her. When Gray
asks her what's wrong, she changes the subject to what has been
happening with him recently. After revealing that he escaped the whole
"mess" with Juvia and Lyon, Erza encourages him to respond to Juvia's
feelings, before turning back to go to bed at their lodgings.[245] Erza defeats the 100 monsters
On the third day of the Grand Magic Games, Erza chooses herself to represent Team Fairy Tail A for the Day's event. The event, Pandemonium,
consists of defeating monsters of different levels to earn points and
progress. It starts with a drawn participant choosing how many monsters
they will fight. Erza is drawn to go first and decrees the end of the
game by defeating all 100 monsters alone, an unheard of feat.[246]
After Millianna wins her fight against Semmes, Erza comments that she has improved and later looks at her, worried.[247] When the third day's 3rd battle is announced, Erza becomes shocked after knowing that Laxus' opponent, Alexei, is from Ivan's guild.[248]
As soon as the match begins, Laxus is completely overwhelmed, something
which shocks Erza. However, a few minutes into the fight, it is
revealed that the match was fake and that Alexei was really Ivan Dreyar and that Laxus had defeated every member of Team Raven Tail. Erza comments on Lucy's kindness when Lucy says that Laxus didn't have to hurt Flare Corona as badly as he did.[249] Erza watches Wendy's battle
When the final battle of day three begins between her own team-mate Wendy and Chelia Blendy of Team Lamia Scale, Erza is seen smiling in acknowledgement of Wendy's heightened abilities after seeing the young girl cast Shattering Light: Sky Drill at her opponent.[250] However, when Chelia later stands up seemingly unharmed by the attack, Erza notes that Chelia is quite the opponent.[251] As their match continues, Erza is shocked at Wendy's determination to keep fighting until the end of the match.[252] After Wendy's and Chelia's match ends in a tie, Erza talks about how impressive the match was.[253]
After the third day of the Grand Magic Games ends, Erza heads out
to a bar with the rest of Fairy Tail to celebrate. Lucy comments on her
speedy recovery, which Erza puts down to Porlyusica's great healing
Despite Natsu, Happy and Gray being told off for barrel surfing through
the bar, Erza is quick to set a bad example by giving the game a shot
as well, flipping out at the end of her ride.[255] Erza and the rest of Fairy Tail head to the pool for some fun
Later that night, Erza, Lucy and Wendy are approached by Levy, who
tells them about a popular leisure center in Crocus. Deciding that they
have to check it out, the guild head to the center straight away, and
Erza, despite still having injuries from her participation in
Pandemonium, decides to go too.[256]
At first, she and Lucy decide to sunbathe, but soon become annoyed when
the Trimens of Blue Pegasus appear and flirt with them. Not being able
to stand their presence any longer, Erza proceeds to yell at each of
them, though she can't find the words to scold Ichiya.[257] After leaving and walking around, Erza spots Jellal and questions why he is there, annoyed with him for his poor disguise.[258]
The two begin to talk, though in the midst of their conversation,
Ichiya -who is running dangerously beside the pool- trips over and flies
in their direction. In a split second attempt to stop Ichiya from
hitting Erza, Jellal forces the two of them down into the water, and
though Erza is saved, she becomes embarrassed to see that Jellal groped
her chest in the process, much to Jellal's embarrassment, though Erza
says it was okay despite Jellal apologizing.[259]
When Lyon and Gray later fight and freeze the pool, Natsu uses his
Magic to melt the ice, causing a large explosion. Erza and Jellal are
both sent flying, and Erza lands atop him, not being able to contain her
shock at the destruction the guild has once again caused.[260]
On the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games, Erza cheers on Lucy on as the latter participates in the Naval Battle event.[261] When only Lucy and Team Sabertooth'sMinerva are left, Erza notes that Minerva is able to create heat inside the water.[262] As Minerva starts to torture Lucy,
Erza, along with Gray and Natsu, stands shocked as Minerva proudly
proclaims Sabertooth's superiority, as her teammates smugly look upon
the battle.[263]
Erza watches as Minerva comes out of the water and stops Gray and
Natsu from fighting. She threatens Sabertooth, saying that they have
made the enemies of the wost guild to anger. In the infirmary, after
Lucy asks forgiveness for losing, Erza and Gray try to comfort her.
Makarov arrives and announces that the administrators have told them to
join both Teams together, which consists of Erza, Gray, Natsu, Laxus and
Gajeel. Erza glares at Minerva when they see Team Sabertooth.[264]
Erza, after seeing Nichiya and Ichiya, standing next to each other, faints.[265] When Ichiya wins the battle against Bacchus and Rocker, she looks at him and is surprise with the battle's outcome.[266] Erza shocked at Sting's vastly-improved strength.
Before the battle of the Dragon Slayers begins, Erza, as well as her guild mates, tells Natsu and Gajeel to fight with everything they've got.[267] During the course of the battle, when Sting and Rogue enter Dragon Force,
she recognizes the state from when Natsu ate the Etherion back at the
Tower of Heaven. She is shocked by Sting's vastly-improved strength in
such a state.[268] Later, when Natsu takes Gajeel away to fight Rogue and Sting alone, Erza smiles at the sight of Natsu overwhelming the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth with his attacks.[269] Her smile remains even after he has defeated them. Erza also hugs him, much to his displeasure.[270] Erza and the team get ready
After hearing about Lucy's arrest by the Fiore Army, Erza reiterates what she heard and asks Makarov for his opinion on the matter.[271]
While wondering about Lucy's arrest, Erza questions why the kingdom
only arrested her and not the others while suggesting that they likely
consider their actions justified. As Makarov gives his take on the
matter, Erza listens in.[272] The next day, Erza arrives at the Domus Flau with the rest of Team Fairy Tail, ready for the final day of the games.[273]
As the announcers explain the rules for the final day, Erza and the
rest of the team listen in. When the rules explained, Erza tells her
team that they have to win for the sake of Lucy. With everyone
determined to win, they all join in a group cheer.[274] When the games start, the members of the other teams scatter but Erza and the rest of the team stay put, much to everyone's surprise even as battles rage.[275]
Soon after multiple Mages are knocked out by opponents, Mavis explains
that she presented them with a strategy for victory and gives them the
command to go, at which point they rush into battle.[276] Erza defeating Jenny
Upon Mavis' command, Erza goes forward soon confronted by Rufus' Falling Stars spell. But, due to Mavis' plan she easily avoids it and proceeds forward. Soon, Erza crosses paths with Jenny Realight who she quickly defeats gaining another point for Fairy Tail.[277]
Magic and Abilities
Erza's RequipRequip: The Knight(換装 別名 ザ・ナイト Kansō Betsumei Za Naito):
Requip is Erza's signature form of Magic, over which she possesses
great mastery. It is a type of Magic that allows her to swap weapons,
armor and clothes at will. Her particular form of Requip is called The Knight.
She is noted for her ability to requip extremely fast and is the only
sword Mage known to be capable of requipping weapons and armor while
fighting, something which made her and her immense strength well known
throughout her place of residence, Magnolia Town, and throughout the entire Kingdom of Fiore, earning her the epithet "Titania".[278] Sword Magic (剣の魔法 Ken no Mahō): In addition to her signature Magic, Requip,
Erza is also an extremely talented user of Sword Magic. As the name
implies, this is a type of Magic which revolves around the use of
swords. Through the use of this Magic, Erza is capable of using her
swords to perform different Magical attacks. This is usually done in
combination with specific armors of hers, which can make her deadlier in
close melee combat or, when combined with her Telekinesis, allow her to target opponents which are out of her physical range.[279] An immobilized Erza using TelekinesisTelekinesis (テレキネシス Terekineshisu):
Erza is also a skilled user of Telekinesis. The first time she used
this Magic, however, was accidental. When she was a child in the Tower of Heaven
she used this Magic to levitate discarded weapons from the ground and
launch them at her enemies, something which she did inadvertently, due
to the shock caused by Rob's death.[280] Erza's most common use of Telekinesis comes with her Sword Magic, in which she can perform different attacks by controlling her swords remotely.
Erza displaying her swordplay with dual weapons.Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Erza possesses great mastery
in swordsmanship and her skills in swordsmanship are of the highest
caliber. Her offensive capabilities mainly come from her swordsplay,
which enables her to effectively utilize the weapons that her Requip
provides, which includes swords, short swords, axes, lances and staffs
(among others). Erza has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip
of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. She is even capable of
employing her swords effectively using her feet, by wielding their hilts
between her hallux and second toe.[281] Her swordsmanship is enough for her to slash through Aria's presumably intangible airspaces,[282] and to deflect hundreds of needles which were shot at her by Evergreen with relative ease.[283]
In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that
they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from
the swings.[284] Keen Intellect: Erza has proven herself to be clever and
to possess a thorough knowledge of the Magic world: she was able to
figure out why the people of Galuna Island were changing into demons (or thought they were) after only a brief period on the island,[285] and could work out the mechanics behind Midnight’s Reflector Magic after being struck by it only few times, something which got her praise from Jellal Fernandes.[286] Master Hand to Hand Combatant: Despite favoring the use of
her various weapons, Erza has proven herself to be a skilled
hand-to-hand combatant. Despite her being bound to a wall, she was able
to easily knock Shô unconscious with a single kick.[287]
She was also able to engage Erza Knightwalker in an unarmed fight after
all of their weapons were shattered in their previous battle, attacking
her counterpart with powerful punches and performing throws and
takedowns to push her away.[288] She is also able to mix hand to hand combat with her swordsmanship while in the midst of battle.[289] Erza slicing through metal with air pressureEnhanced Strength: In stark contrast with her slim and womanly
figure, Erza possesses a very large amount of physical strength, having
been repeatedly shown capable of lifting and dragging around objects
many times her own size and weight,[290] most prominently due to her habit of carrying around vast amounts of luggage.[291] She was also able to send Midnight flying against a wall, several meters away from both of them, with a flick of her wrist.[292]
In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that
they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from
the swings.[284] Immense Endurance: Erza has been shown to possess a vast
amount of physical endurance. After using up all of her Magic power
during her fight with Azuma by focusing it all in a single slash,[293] she was still able to join the battle against Hades, requipping different armors and performing combo attacks with her teammates.[294] She was also able to fight and hold her own against a Mage of Jellal Fernandes's caliber after having fought and defeated Ikaruga, a very powerful assassin from Death's Head Caucus.
Erza battling 100 monstersImmense Durability: Erza has also proven herself to have a vast amount of physical durability: with the aid of her Adamantine Armor, she was able to take the brunt of the Magical Convergent Cannon - Jupiter on herself,[295] and then go on to easily defeat Aria, an S-Class Mage,[296] and fight Jose Porla, the Phantom Lord Guild Master and a former member of the Ten Wizard Saints, after receiving only a very brief amount of time for rest.[297] While clad in her Heaven's Wheel Armor, she was capable of taking on the counter effect of 200 Lacrima orbs from Laxus’s Thunder Palace even though the effect of one of the orbs is enough to endanger someone's life.[298] and she was also able to survive the highly-damaging Terra Clamare twice, and still manage to continue to fight and defeat Azuma.[299] When Ultear Milkovich used her Arc of Time to open up Erza's "Second Origin", Erza showed no signs of being bothered at all, unlike her teammates, including Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, and Juvia Lockser, who couldn't walk and writhed around on the floor in pain.[300] In addition, during the third day of the Grand Magic Games
of X791, Erza was able to fight and defeat 100 powerful monsters, and,
despite being heavily injured and bruised, she left the fight without
showing any signs of fatigue. Something which garnered her praise from
hundreds of people including quite a few powerful Mages.[301] Even though one of the monsters was said to be so powerful that even a Ten Wizard Saint might not be able to defeat it.[302] Immense Reflexes: Erza possesses extremely sharp reflexes,
and a high degree agility and speed. Despite her being severely battle
worn, she was able to dodge a blast from Jose Porla while balancing herself on one hand.[303] She was also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of Darkness Magic Spells from Jellal Fernandes,[304]
and when he knocked her through the walls of the Tower of Heaven she
launched herself off of a few small falling rocks back into the tower
with ease.[305] When Evergreen shot a few rays at her as a surprise attack, Erza easily dodged the rays with a side jump.[306] Immense Magic Power: As an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail
Guild, Erza possesses a tremendous amount of Magic Power. Throughout
many difficult battles Erza was able to requip powerful armors in rapid
succession without showing any signs of fatigue. She was also able to
requip her Heaven's Wheel Armor and over 200 swords after requipping her Lightning Empress Armor without running out of Magic Power. When exerted, her Magic Power is red in color.[307]
Erza owns over 100 different types of armor,[308] and well over 200 different weapons. Below are a list of those known.
Heart Kreuz Armor (ハートクロス 鎧, Hāto Kurosu no Yoroi):
Made by the popular fashion brand Heart Kreuz specifically for her,
this is Erza's casual armor, which she is mostly seen wearing. This
armor sports a breastplate now composed of a single piece of metal,
decorated by curved lines and by a deformed version of Heart Kreuz's
mark, with the cross' right arm extending to the right part of Erza's
chest, and the added mark of Fairy Tail located under the cross itself,
which is now lacking the brand's name.[105] Heaven's Wheel ArmorHeaven's Wheel Armor (天輪の鎧 Tenrin no Yoroi):
Plated armor covers her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and
she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper
area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings
that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like
Flight: While wearing this armor, Erza seemingly gains the ability to fly for short distances.[279]
Sword Requipping: Erza is able to summon a large amount
of swords (roughly more than 200), and launch weapons at her opponent(s)
in a variety of different ways. The armor is meant to be used for
facing multiple opponents.[279]
Blumenblatt (天輪・繚乱の剣 Tenrin: Ryōran no Ken, lit. Heavens Wheel: Profusion of Swords): Erza will requip a mass amount of swords, and then charge at her opponent and slice him or her with two of her swords.[309] Then she will fly past her enemy and send the swords she requipped into the enemy at the same time.[310][311]
Circle Sword (天輪・丸連ソード, Tenrin: Sākururen Sōdo):
Erza requips swords and has them circle around her by utilizing the
command, "Dance, My Blades". The swords then begin spinning rapidly
around Erza and she sends them flying towards her opponent(s) in a disc
formation at first and upon impact the swords separate and fly in
different directions dealing great damage.[279]
Trinity Shot (三位弾, Saimitama): While in her Heavens Wheel Armor, Erza slashes the opponent in a delta formation.[312]
Pentagram Sword (五芒星の剣 ペンタグラムソード, Pentaguramu Sōdo):While using the Heaven's Wheel Armor, the user slashes the swords in the shape of a pentagram to attack the target.[313]
Black Wing ArmorBlack Wing Armor (黒羽の鎧 Kureha no Yoroi):
This armor is black with silver trimming that has silver crosses is
several places. It has a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates
flanking her hips that reach down to her waistguard. The waistguard
leaves the front of Erza’s body exposed, with her groin being covered by
a dark imbuement. She has large plates guarding her legs. She has two
wings that have black metal "arms" acting as the wings' leading
structure, but the parts used to fly are composed of a membrane-like
material. Erza's hair is tied in a ponytail.
Flight: This armor seems to grant Erza the ability to fly around for short distances.[314]
Increased Offense: This armor increases Erza's offensive
capabilities, and she uses it in conjunction with any number of weapons
to deal her enemy great damage.[315]
Moon Glimpse (黒羽・月閃, Kureha : Gessen): Erza rushes past her target, slashing them in a cross pattern.[315]
Flame Empress ArmorFlame Empress Armor (炎帝の鎧 Entei no Yoroi):
This armor is dark red predominantly, but also sports orange and black
parts, with the first ones being shaped like flames and the second
resembling dragon’s limbs. It’s basically made up of three different
parts: the revealing breastplate with dragon like wings attached to it,
the orange gauntlets and the dragon claw shaped greaves. Erza’s hair is
tied into a pair of high, long pigtails.
Flame Resistance: This armor lowers the destructive power of flame attacks by 50%.[316]
Fire Magic: This armor grants Erza the ability to shoot fire.[317]
The Giant's ArmorThe Giant's Armor (巨人の鎧 Kyojin no Yoroi):
This is a large, furry, golden colored armor with that sports a large
cross on the breastplate. The armor is completed by a headgear with the
appearance of a pair of large metal ears. The armor works great in
combination with the Evil Crushing Spear, a long and elaborated polearm sporting a cross just like the one on the armor.[318]
Enhanced Strength: This armor increases Erza's strength
in the form of her throwing power. It was first used when Erza threw her
spear at the "moon" above Galuna Island.[319]
Adamantine ArmorAdamantine Armor (金剛の鎧 Kongō no Yoroi):
The Adamantine Armor is a large, blue and navy colored armor. The
breastplate is composed of different plates joined together, with four,
prominent tube-like ornaments on the front, right above her breasts,
below the high armored collar. The shoulder pads are very large and
sport prominent plates shaped like spikes, protruding from a far darker
part which composes the base of the structure. The armor is completed by
a helmet which covers the top and the sides of Erza’s face, leaving the
back part of her head exposed, and sporting prominent spikes jutting
Immense Defense: This armor is the ultimate, high-level
defensive stance. While wearing it, Erza is able to withstand the Magic
beam fired by the Phantom Lord's Jupiter Cannon, despite her receiving
injuries and the armor breaking in the process.[320]
Magic Barrier: The armor features two shields on the arms, which can be brought together to generate a large Magical barrier.[321]
Flight: While wearing this armor, Erza gains the ability to fly for short distances.[321]
Purgatory ArmorPurgatory Armor (煉獄の鎧 Rengoku no Yoroi):
The Purgatory is a black armor that is covered in spikes. When using
this armor, Erza’s hair becomes styled in very prominent spikes pointing
outwards in every direction, with her right eye being covered by it and
a devilish shadow obscuring the upper part of her face. This is one of
Erza's most powerful armors, before her fight with Ikaruga she claimed that "None had seen the armor and lived to tell the tale." Its true power is not seen, however, as it was destroyed almost instantly by Ikaruga.[322]
Lightning Empress Armor.Lightning Empress Armor (雷帝の鎧 Raitei no Yoroi):
This armor is golden and light bluish in color. The breastplate is
decorated by golden trimmings, and has thin plates going up to surround
Erza’s neck. When using this armor, Erza’s head gets adorned by a band
with two ribbons on it, and her hair gets styled in a long braid. Also,
the armor’s weapon is a long spear, with a very large blade and a
decorated circle resembling a shield attaching it to the shaft, which is
adorned by a large ribbon.
Lighting Resistance: This is an armor that lowers the
attack damage of all lightning attacks aimed at the wearer. It was
enough to withstand an attack by Laxus Dreyar, a skilled user of Lightning Magic, without Erza receiving any injuries herself.[323]
Lightning Magic: This armor grants Erza the ability to attack her foes with lightning.[289]
Lightning Beam: Erza fires a blue beam of lightning towards her opponent from the tip of the armor’s spear.[289]
Lightning Cyclotron: Similar to Lightning Beam, but with several attacks being fired at the same time from the Magic Seal formed on the spear’s tip.[324]
Flight ArmorFlight Armor (飛翔の鎧 Hishō no Yoroi):
This armor has features very few armored parts. It is cheetah printed,
and the outfit has a large collar around Erza’s neck and a tail hanging
from the back of her shorts, both made of bushy fur, plus a pair of
large cheetah’s ears adorning both sides of Erza’s head. When wearing
this armor, Erza is equipped with a pair of short swords with elaborate
handguards similar to a rapier's, shaped like rose's thorns.
Immense Speed: This armor increases Erza's speed dramatically, to the point where she could match Erza Knightwalker's speed while the latter was using Silfarion.[325] She was also able to keep up with Racer despite being under the effects of his Slowing Magic.[326]
Robe of Yūen.Robe of Yūen (悠遠の衣 Yūen no Koromo):
This armor is like a purple, revealing kimono. It consists of a short
sleeveless tunic decorated by many flower motifs, with a revealing
cleavage and revealing opening on the sides, exposing much of Erza’s
chest, held closed by both a large, dark obi,
which has a thin red rope tied around it and sports a wide closing
ribbon on the back, and by a lighter, smaller white belt, which are both
wrapped around a pink, flower-patterned cloth circling Erza’s waist on
the back and the sides.[327]
Elastic Properties: This armor is elasticated, something which prevented Midnight’s Reflector Magic from securely binding Erza or strangling her using it.[328]
Morning Star Armor.Morning Star Armor (明星の鎧 Myōjō no Yoroi):
This armor, which seems to be mainly composed of a leather-like
material, sports many feather-shaped decorations, including the short
cape, the pauldrons protruding from under it, and the cloth circling
Erza’s waist, held up by a simple belt on the front. She dons a one
piece suit revealing her legs, whose upper part is covered by fishnet
leggings, and with high-heeled armored greaves with large knee guards
covering her calves. Her arms are heavily armored as well. In this
outfit, Erza’s hair is styled in tangled buns on top of her head, and
she’s armed with a pair of simple swords with cross-shaped handguards,
getting larger near the edges, and blades which seem to lack the
standard cutting edges.
Photon Slicer (光子の剣 Kōshi no Ken): By pointing the twin swords towards her opponent, Erza is capable of releasing a large blast to them.[329]
Armadura FairyArmadura Fairy (妖精の鎧 Yōsei no Yoroi): The strongest armor as declared by her counterpart Erza Knightwalker.
This armor has the name of her guild to symbolize her pride of being a
member of Fairy Tail. It’s a pink armor with a simple breastplate joined
to the collar. The armor has many wing shaped decorations. The armor’s
weapons of choice are a pair of identical swords, sporting large and
decorated handguards reminiscent each of a pair of wings, and with the
blades protruding near the hilts to house additional decorative motifs.
Fairy Piercing Sword:
Erza charges her swords with energy and hits the target with a powerful
lunge. This attack was strong enough to break Knightwalker's strongest
spear, Ravelt, shattering an entire island in the process.[330] (Unnamed)
Sea Empress ArmorSea Empress Armor (海王の鎧 Kaiō no Yoroi):
This armor is green in color with bluish parts. The breastplate, which
barely covers Erza’s breast, leaving her belly and her back visible,
somehow resembles seaweed, and has some thin chains hanging from it over
Erza’s exposed parts, with a pair siding her breasts and another the
belly; a fifth chain is visible around her neck, which is guarded by the
large collar. The armor is completed by a headgear, with a large metal
part covering her forehead, bearing a whirl-shaped wave on it, and large
fin-shaped protrusions siding her head. The armor comes equipped with a
long sword which seems to be made of crystal, with many small crystals
jutting out in every direction from the handguard.
Water Resistance: According to Lisanna, this armor nullifies water attacks. It has been shown to be able to withstand Juvia's water attacks.[331]
Water Magic: This armor allows Erza to charge her sword with water and release powerful whirlpools against her opponent.[332]
Water Slash: While in the Sea Empress Armor, the user charges the blade of the sword with water and then attacks the target with water.[332]
Seduction ArmorSeduction Armor (誘惑の鎧 Yūwaku no Yoroi):
Erza’s most revealing armor, which is more like an extremely daring
maid outfit. It’s composed of a long light apron, tied behind Erza’s
neck and back, worn over her bare chest, and thus revealing much of her
breasts’ sides, paired with dark panties, exposing much of her buttocks,
and long stockings, reaching up to the middle parts of her thighs.
There are no shoes, and Erza’s head is adorned by a maid hat. The only
visible armored parts are the gauntlets, which extend up to the middle
parts of Erza’s biceps, where ribbons are tied around her arms, and
sport heart-shaped elbow guards. The armor comes equipped with a simple
sword which bears a writing on the blade, this being "Come on Boy". The armor's effects, if any, are unknown.[333]
Farewell Fairy Tail Armor.Farewell Fairy Tail Armor:
It's breastplate is fairly plain, with the waistguard attached to it
being similar to the one in Erza’s second Heart Kreuz Armor, composed of
simply two hanging plates, paired with a ruffled cloth sprouting from
under it over some chainmail; all of which surmount a long skirt,
reaching down to Erza’s knees and covering the rather featureless
greaves. The gauntlets, covering the entirety of her arms, are similarly
unadorned, with only her pauldrons, composed of overlapping plates,
having some decorations over the upper plates, taking the form of wings.
On the other hand, the long spear which comes with the armor sports
intricate decorations on the shaft and the massive head, together with a
flag bearing Fairy Tail’s symbol, plus what looks like a laurel wreath,
tied to it by two slim ribbons. The anime design of this armor differs
from the manga. Erza was seen donning this armor in order to bid
farewell to her friends from the Tower of Heaven before their departure.[334]
Artificial Eye: While enslaved as a child to build the
Tower of Heaven, Erza lost her right eye during punishment for an escape
attempt. After she joined Fairy Tail, Makarov took her to see Porlyusica , who created an artificial eye for her.[335] Due to the eye's artificial nature Erza couldn't cry out of it and it is unaffected by Illusion Magic or Stone Eyes Magic.[336]
Lucy Heartfilia (ルーシィ・ハートフィリア Rūshi Hātofiria ) is a Celestial Spirit Mage , a member of the Fairy Tail Guild and of its Team Natsu . She is the main female protagonist of the series. Lucy has brown eyes and blond hair that is usually tied by ribbons of a variety of colors in a singular bunch to the right side of her head. Though in the year X791, she appears to keep her hair up more often in pigtails. She has large breasts, and a curvaceous body. Her (presumed) measurements are Bust: 91 cm; Waist: 59 cm; Hip: 88 cm (37in, 23in, 36in). [1] These measurements were later on revealed to be approximated slightly different, with the breasts being two centimeters less, and the others, one less. [3] Her pink Fairy Tail stamp is located at the back of her right hand. Additionally, Lucy does not consistently wear the same outfit. However, she always has a belt that, along with keeping her skirt up, holds her Celestial Spirit keys and a whip with a heart...
Gray Fullbuster (グレイ・フルバスター Gurei Furubasutā ) is an Ice-Make Mage , a member of the Fairy Tail Guild and a member of Team Natsu , and one of the main male protagonists. [3] Appearance Gray's clothes in X791 Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular. [4] After the mission on Galuna Island , he gets a scar on his forehead above his left eye that is partially covered by his hair. [5] He also has a cross-shaped scar on his lower abdomen received from using Seven Slice Dance: Blood Version on Tenrou Island . [6] His member stamp is below his collarbone on his right pectoral muscle and is dark blue in color. [7] Gray's mark on his chest and cross-like scar on his lower abdomen Unlike almost all other characters, Gray does not consistently wear the same type of clothes (that is, when he is wearing some), though he is often shown wearing some kind of white coat. [8] Still, his mos...
Gajeel Redfox (ガジル・レッドフォックス Gajiru Reddofokkusu ) is an Iron Dragon Slayer , a member of the Fairy Tail guild and a former S-Class Mage of Phantom Lord . [1] Gajeel is tall and muscular young man with long, spiky black hair, which is usually kept slicked back, revealing his forehead. He has red eyes (initially portrayed as green) with slitted dark pupils and no visible eyebrows. Most of his exposed body is covered in sets of simple, round studs. The most visible studs are on his face, with three of them above each of his eyes (acting as "eyebrows" of a sort), three on each side of his nose, and two on his chin, just below his mouth. His ears are adorned by two sets of five earrings each. Gajeel's Fairy Tail mark He also sports four studs on each of his forearms, with his right one being covered in scars. As a member of the former Phantom Lord guild, he bears his Phantom Lord stamp at the top of his right shoulder. After joining Fairy Tail , his black F...
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